Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Last-Minute Bikini Emergency Pound-shedding Plan

Still trying to lose the extra five to fit into that bikini?  Be honest: You still haven’t dropped those last few pounds you swore you’d banish from your bod before summer started.  The likely reason? You can’t bear the thought of forsaking your favorite foods…and who can blame you?  Nut fear not- Cosmo’s here to save you from a guilt-induced tailspin with a weight-loss plan that doesn’t require robotlike discipline.  First, ditch the calorie-counting handbooks and pint-size-portion charts that are typical dieting de rigueur.  “When you deprive yourself, you’re likely to lose control over food, which leads to bingeing and weight gain,” says Elizabeth Somer, author of The Origin Diet (Henry Holt, 2001).  Instead, revamp your food’tude, and drop those pesky pounds with these easy-to-stick eating principles.  Then try some of our metabolism boosters to make those last five pounds melt off even faster.

Pound-Melting Principles:

Dieting Doctrine 1
Curb during the week then cave on weekends

Rigidly sticking to no-sweets, no-fat (not to mention no-fun) diet all day, every day is impossible and impractical, says Somer.  Instead, pick two days a week when you’re allowed normally no-no foods.  On weekends, you’re more likely to eat out, go to parties, or munch on fattening bar food.  (But don’t go overboard on a free-for-all bingefest0.  The reason this rule rocks, says Somer, is that you get a fix of “bad food,” so you won’t feel deprived and be tempted to pig out.  Plus you skip the guilt since you’ve already given yourself permission to dodge your diet-temporarily.

Dieting Doctrine 2
Never eat a meal in less than 20 minutes

A hasty-eating habit can wreak havoc on your waistline.  It takes up to 20 minutes after you’ve begun munching for your brain to recognize that you’re full, says Susan Adams, spokesperson for the American Dietetic Assiciation.  So if you’re slamming back food at breakneck speed, it’s likely that you’re taking in more calories than you need to feel satisfied.  Her tips for putting the brakes on your pace:  Rest your fork on your plate or put your sandwich down between each bite, take smaller bites, and chew and swallow them completely before taking another, or use chopsticks-no matter what type of cuisine you’re chowing.

Dieting Doctrine3
When you eat something bad, eat something good with it

Chances are there are fantasy foods that you simply can’t resist (French fries, double-chocolate-chip cookies, and cheesecake come to mind) - so don’t!  But when you do indulge in forbidden fare, be sure to pair it with good-for-you food, says Somer.  The addition of a healthy morsel will help you fill up before you OD on the devilish eats.  Got a weakness for pizza with extra cheese?  Snag one slice, but add a salad.  You’ll be less likely to reach for round two.

Dieting Doctrine 4
Eat pasta only THREE times per week-max

This Italian carb is cheap, delish, and such a snap to make, it’s no wonder it’s a staple of so many people’s diets.  But noshing on noodles nonstop can add unwanted pounds.  The solution?  Set goal:  Only allow yourself to give in to your pasta pangs three times a week.  According to Mindy Hermann, a nutritional consultant in New York, if you cave more often than that, you’re likely to overload on nutritionally punch.  Make your platter of penne or your bowlful of bow-ties more flavorful and healthy by combining it with a variety of veggies and a tasty source of protein, like low-fat cheese, chicken, or beans.

Dieting Doctrine 5
Always leave a little food on your plate

It’s time to ditch your mom’s dinnertime “Clean your plate” dictate.  Even though the portion sizes we get in restaurants or serve ourselves are often twice as large as they should be, says Hermann, many of us have a hard time letting any food go to waste.  But by getting over the guilt and leaving a few bites behind at every meal, you’ll learn to become more conscious of your calorie intake.  And you may find that the amount you’d ever realized.

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