Saturday 25 February 2012

Diet Deception: Diet Deception: The Blood Type Diet

The Premise:
Peter J. D’ Adamo, author of Eat Right for Your Type, says that in order to optimize the use of your food intake and channel it into the proper caloric expenditures needed to keep the body healthy, you must take into consideration your blood type. The basic premise is that Type Os are the dominant, hunter/caveman types and thus, are mainly carnivores; Type As are docile vegetarians and Type Bs are dairy-eating omnivores. According to D’ Adamo, this fact is supported by the action of lectins, sugar-wielding proteins found on the surface of certain foods that cause various molecules and cells to stick together.

The Provisions:
Type Os should stick mainly to protein-rich foods: meat, fish, tofu, eggs etc; Type As to vegetables and food of plant origins: vegetable oils, peanut butter, wheat-based products like pasta and breads, and should stay away from milk as this blood type cannot process milk. Type Bs can eat all the dairy products they want: butter, creams, etc. and since most of these products come from animal sources, meat and poultry is allowed in minimal amounts.

The Promise:
Reduces the risks of heart disease and steers you away from multi-organ dysfunction. Plus, it can ensure the proper processing of your daily intake and channel it into healthier, more effective means of expenditure.

The Prognosis:
The book contains a lot of scientifically dissatisfying, one-size-fits-all statements such as “Type Os don’t tolerate whole wheat products at all,” which leads one to believe that Type Os can generally die from taking wheat products. How much wheat can Type Os tolerate before it leads to massive heart failure or smoke?

Another argument is that “if a Type A drinks milk, her system will immediate start the agglutination process in order to reject it.” But the author offers no proof to support this statement. No statements are even offered explaining why Type As who drink milk (sometimes massive quantities of it) aren’t rushing to their graves as a result of strokes when their blood agglutinates in their entire system

Agglutination is when the red blood cells (RBC) stick together to form clumps; a process that happens when the surface of red blood cells become coated with fat or other substances that make them adhere to each other’s surfaces. When agglutination occurs, the RBC can block the blood flow in the smaller capillaries and obstruct the flow of oxygen to vital organs such as the brain, the heart and the kidneys. Oxygen deprivation leads to infraction of the tissue or cell death. Again, the whole concept of the Blood Type diet is to eat only foods compatible to your blood type to prevent agglutination. Eating incompatibility can lead to fatal consequences and eventually death.

Most people aren’t even aware of their blood types so one can safely assume that on a daily basis and based on the premise of this diet; a person eats the wrong type of food regularly. According to the author, it’s only a matter of time before it takes its toll on the person’s health causing severe damages to his vital organs.

Search if you will, but you’ll find no pathologist to support the contention that tissue infraction from lectin-induced red cell agglutination causes disease and death in humas.

The Pros’ Position:
“Being that there are no concrete medical studies to back up the author’s assertions. I don’t think this diet holds much water. If milk’s really bad for you, why does entire government launch elaborate campaigns to promote it? Why there has been no documentation on people being hospitalized by the dozen because their blood cells stuck together?” says Ana Cruz, an L.A. nutritionist and dietician who once worked for the Duke University Medical Center. 

Monday 13 February 2012

Diet Deception: The Fit For Life Diet

The Premise:
That weight gain is simply the result of eating inapproprite foods at inappropriate times of the body’s natural cycle. Fit for Life authors Harvey and Mari-lyn Diamond say that the body has three natural cycles: appropriation, or eating and digesting which happens from noon to 8 p.m. , assimilation or absorption and use (8 p.m. to 4 a.m.) , and elimination of body waste, which happens from 4 a.m. to noon. They further contend that since the body is made up of 70 percent water, so should your diet; hence the ratio of 70 percent fruits and vegetables to 30 percent concentrated foods (or everthing else).

The Provisions:

Just fruit juice or fruits before noon, salad and fruit for lunch,starch and either vegetable or protein for dinner, and a fruit snack at least three hours after dinner. Every two or three days, lunch should only consist of fruit, so you have two meals consisting of just fruit. You’re also allowed nuts, and nut butters, pasta, bread, and grains during lunch and dinner, but all dairy products (except butter) are strictly off limits. Consumption of meat is also discouraged.

The Promise:
Lose as much as 50 pounds in a month by eating proper food combinations at the appropriate times.
The Proof?
Christine, 23, a student says “I lost eight pounds from this diet after only three weeks, but it left me feeling weak and almost always hungry. I decided to get off it after four weeks at which I returned to eating as much of a balanced diet as I could. I try to stay away from fat as much as possible. It took me only two weeks to gain the weight back plus two more pounds. I never want to diet again.”

The Prognosis:
The weight loss Christine experienced from this diet was expected due to its low caloric intake and high  the bulk content. This diet restricts the intake of meat and carbs to a total of one to two servings per day and replaces the rest of the days’ intake with fruits and vegetables. Although it does encourage you to increase your veggie intake, this diet puts a slightly higher premium on the nutritional value of our leafy friends by claiming that all the nutrients the body needs can be found solely in foliage.

Some foibles: The authors state that “fruit should never be taken with or immediately following anything,” (an important Fit for Life rule) , and that fruit taken after a meal rots and cannot be assimilated- ir ferments and its accumulation causes obesity. But fruits in themselves contain a chemical called pectin which is fermented. Following the authors’ contention that fermentation leads to obesity, eating fruit would then lead to obesity and not cure it. Another claim that raised more than a few eyebrows in the health industry is that dairy products are indigestible and acid and mucus-forming. The authors further argue that cow’s milk is for cows and not suitable for huma ns and that the only acceptable form of dairy is butter. Unless they’re actually taking about the butter made from human milk, their arguments simply don’t make sense.

The Pros’ Position:
According to Ana Cruz,an L.A. nutritionist and dietician who once worked for the Duke University Medical Center, “The diet is highly deficient in protein, calcium, zinc, vitamins B and D and iron, and can lead to iron deficiency anemia and osteoporosis. A diet that restricts milk and protein can seriously affect the development of young children and strict adherence to the diet during pregnancy can do serious harm to a developing fetus.”

Top nutritionist Dr. Sanirose Orbeta says, “In practice, we try to avoid nutrient specificity, like emphasizing one group of food over the other. Precisely it’s the complimentary, supplementary action one food gives another food that creates the balance of nutrients. That’s the reason why a variety in food choices is important. For example, the amino acids lacking in rice or pasta together with the protein from animal meat or plant source will combine to make the food healthy and high in biologic value and nutrient density.”

Image Sources:

fruits :
fruit juices:

Thursday 2 February 2012

Diet Deception: The Atkin’s Diet

The Premise:
A high protein, high fat and low carbohydrate (little or no food containing carbs) diet will produce dramatic weight loss. One of the most popular diets out there from the controversial bestseller by Dr. Richard Atkins.

The Provisions:
A sample of the Atkins Diet menu includes: Breakfast: four slices of bacon, two scrambled eggs and decaf coffee. Lunch: Bacon cheeseburger without bun, salad without dressing and water. Dinner: Shrimp cocktail, mustard, mayo, clear beef broth, T-bone steak, salad, sugar-free jello and whipped cream.

The Promise: 
If you want weight loss, this is it! This diet guarantees rapid weight loss you’ve never seen before.

The Proof:
Jake, 30, a marketing manager said, “I went on the Atkins diet for three weeks and lost 10 pounds before I was hospitalized. My cholesterol levels were off the charts, my blood pressure was dangerously high, and I experienced fainting spells. I lost weight because of my hospitalization more than the diet. I don’t think I’ll do this diet again.”

The Prognosis:
No doubt you’ll loss weight- high protein, low carb weight-loss diets are designed to induce ketosis, an abnormal state also found in uncontrolled diabetes and starvation. Ketosis has also been known to cause some degree of anorexia or even euphoria. Dr. Atkins considers ketosis as a necessary state to induce weight loss, completely ignoring all other health concerns related to it. Some of the conditions you can expect if you follow this regimen long-term are: colorectal cancer due to lack of fiber from carbs (proven by the World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research, Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer); heart disease due to the decreased efficiency of the arteries by saturated fats in red meat (according to the American Heart Association and Red Cross); kidney dysfunction from very large amounts of protein (from a study conducted by the American Academy of Family Physicians); diabetes complications- diabetes itself affects the heart and the kidneys and going on a diet known to affect these organs will only result in further complications; and osteoporosis- high protein diets induce urinary calcium loss resulting to increased risk in fractures.
The Pros’ Position:
“Even Dr. Atkins himself wasn’t able to defend his own diet in a convention where his own peers, several nutritionists and dieticians were present, “says Dr. Sanirose Orbeta, a nutritionist. She adds, “This is one of the most popular recycled food plans to date. As a health care practitioner, our major concern is your long-term safety. Consider anything that cuts out a major food group like carbohydrates as a warning signal for a diet which is both unhealthy and dangerous. I’ve had to treat several patients who actually felt the adverse effects of this diet and totally revamp their eating choices. Effects can be long-standing and lethal. Thankfully I haven’t [had any patients] experiencing anything near fatal but why let it come to that? If you’re on it, consider getting off it before serious damage sets in.”

bacon cheeseburger: