Thursday 29 December 2011

Get Great Complexion by Exercising

As what we have we listened to all the time, doing exercises can do great for our body. Exercise can help out our physique to stay trim, get toned muscles, and assist us as well to enhance our body energy.  But what we perhaps are not aware of is the piece of information that doing exercises can truly help us attain the complexion that we have always been wanting.

It's factual that doing regular exercises can help us nourish the skin all over our body with enough supply of oxygen, nutrients and fresh blood.  Also, the improved blood circulation and blood flow as a result of a work out can help our body to secrete toxins and enhance the condition of our body’s different vital organs, including of course our skin’s epidermis.

Most of us think that production of sweat can be a cause of an acne break out.  But the truth is, sweating thru exercise will do well for any type of clogged skin, because it can help to encourage washing out of skin’s impurities from its epidermal layer and to clean out our skin’s pores.  Also, doing energetic exercises can in fact correct our body’s hormonal imbalances which triggers the formation of blemishes, thus decreasing the probability of getting a skin outbreak.

The physical activities that we like to do will assist to reduce the stress that we might come across on a daily basis and will help to prevent the production stress-related break out. Activities such as biking, boxing, aerobics, yoga, spinning, running,  pilates, etc. , are just some of the activities that you can get involved with which can help us achieved great complexion.

Bear in mind that doing exercises may not be a miraculous treatment for everything, since our skin may still have breakouts once in a while though the acne will surely be less severe and will only last for a much shorter time.
Exercising is also good for other skin conditions that may perhaps not have to do with the existence of acne. Our skin’s losing its elasticity or may become thin and less flexible and is something that we for sure we’ll encounter as we age.  This can be an issue for most of us as we grow old. As we get older, our skin starts to lose its collagen, which will make us appear exhausted. And as most of us are not aware of, doing physical activities or exercises can certainly help in promoting the development of collagen in our skin, which will brighten up and stretch our facial skin and will make us look and feel more youthful and livelier.
And if we are worrying about our wrinkles, we should try to consider relaxing after we exercise. This has a result of making our muscles and facial muscles, become softer. This means that our facial lines will come into sight less obvious, and will assist in contributing to a more youthful appearance that we want to achieve.
By doing exercises we can achieve a better toned muscle, smaller waistline, softer skin, less blemishes, and taken as a whole, younger and fresher look.  If we want to add or change our complexion, we should never be indecisive to exercise.  Because exercise will help us feel livelier and will enhance our body.  And all we need to do is take a bit of a break of our schedule to do some exercises in order to attain a great skin complexion.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Water Intake: Make it a Habit

Our body is composed of over ¾ of water and it is also a common knowledge that we cannot exist in this world without it.  As a matter of fact, after 3 days of living without drinking water, we will die.  On the other hand, water is now being replaced in a good number of the diets by refreshments sweetened by sugar and soft drinks.  But take into account that it is still better to drink water as is and is essential for leading us on the way to a better well being and long life.

Our individual water need can differ greatly due to our personal activities or exercise, weight, and temperature.  It has been proven through research that 67% of the older population does not consume enough water that is needed on a regular basis. Regular water intake will replenish our body and will keep our body hydrated and working properly. Most of us before we drink a glass of water will wait until we experience dryness in our throat and until we feel thirsty.  Keep in mind; this is not a dependable measure of our body’s water needs.  We have already lost about two or more cups of our body’s water supply by the time we feel we are thirsty. For that reason, it is still healthier to have a regular intake of water in our body than to simply wait until we feel the thirst. 

We should also take note that we must never replace our body’s fluid needs by drinking caffeinated drink or alcoholic beverages. Why? Because these types of beverages serve as diuretics in our body and will cause it to lose more fluids by frequent urination. We possibly believe and sense as if our body is getting more intake of water by drinking these types of beverages, but the reality is that we are letting our body fluids go as quick as we consume it.

We need an extra supply of water every time we exercise. A moderate amount of water will be lost whenever our body perspires. There is a need to drink at least 2 cups of water for every pound that we lost because of exercise. 

Are you aware that our body still loses water even while we sleep? Yes it does. And by drinking some water before we hit the sack, maybe a glass or two will do, we can get up with our body performing as it ought to be.

Also, when we are sick, it is when our body needs to have a greater amount of water intake.  When we acquire flu or colds, our body will be dehydrated quite fast. So, the best way to prevent dehydration is by drinking water, more water, when we are sick.

We must make it a habit to have regular water consumption.  And bringing a bottle of water with you at all time is a great way in making regular water consumption a habit.  

Monday 5 December 2011

Vitamins 101 for your Health

‘Vitamin’ was derived from the root word ‘vitamine’ which means vital amine. So what does it do? Vitamins are very powerful natural compounds that can be found mainly in the food that we consume. These are essential to all of us because they assist the cells in our body and tissues to perform their essential functions. To keep it simple, vitamins are what our body needs in order to grow.

Vitamins have two types. First, there is the water soluble vitamin which is commonly known vitamins of which the ascorbic acid or the we call vitamin C is the most common. Another one is the fat soluble vitamins which are also being called as hormones. It was believed a long time ago that all the kinds of vitamins only belong to one single group called the B complex since they all are coming from the same source but this was later categorized as vitamins that are different from each other. 

Some of these vitamins are Inositol, Choline, Vitamin B9, B5, B3, B1, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, etc. Others are being known by their biological names such as thiamine for vitamin B1 and Biotin for Vitamin H. 

These vitamins are important component of the balanced diet that we have. Some people with persistent diseases are being advised to take different vitamin supplements by their respective doctors. However, there are people who need to watch out their intake of vitamins like women who are pregnant or those who are suffering from a bowel disorder because bowel disorder hinder the absorption of the fat soluble vitamin in the body. While the patients suffering from anemia need to be given with dose of vitamin B12 because of their body’s deficiency from this vitamin. 

To assist our body to function efficiently and stay healthy, we need to take these vitamins on a normal basis. Vitamins assist our body organs to carry out their individual functions. Without the presence of these vitamins, it is for sure that our body will become weak and sick and will suffer from vitamin deficiency diseases. Most of the time, there are sufficient amount vitamins present in our food but if we will not eat a balanced diet, these external supplements like vitamins will do the work for our body.

It is very useful and compulsory for our body to take vitamins. However, as what the old saying goes, “excess of everything is bad”. Vitamins taken in excess can be a cause of harsh damage to our body. For example, our body needs just around 400 to 800 units of vitamin D/day. If our body exceeded this amount, too much calcium will be absorbed by our bloodstream, which will harm our kidneys. In addition, supplements in no way can substitute the healthy diets, so it is still better to take vitamin-rich diet than to take supplements or vitamins.

Lastly, we should not take vitamins by gathering different information from here and there. We have to consult a Doctor. It will not hurt to consult one. Remember, little understanding is a dangerous thing.